Research Outline

What kind of brain mechanism allows us to experience the outside world? Do we all share the same perceptual experiences?

In CiNet Hagura Group, we believe that these questions are tightly linked to the question of how h umans learn and control the body in the environment.

  • How do we efficiently learn and memorise various movement repertoires, and recall them at an adequate timing?
  • How do we learn to perceive our own action and body size/shape from sensorimotor experiences?
  • How does the way we act restricts our cognitive abilities?

We use psychophysical methods, computational modelling, neuroimaging as well as neurostimulation techniques.

Through our research, we aim to update our naive view about human beings.

What's New

  • 2024.7.12
    Nobu is going to present his work at APCV 2024 SG, in a symposium organised by Shao-Min Hung and Hsin-I Iris Liao.

    Kisho Ogasa's paper is accepted to Nature Human Behaviour, and is now published online Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory. Congrats Kisho!

    Ryo Ishibashi's work is published as preprint. Distributed and convergent representations of tools in human parietal and anterior temporal regions revealed by fMRI-RSA

    Ryo, Jumpei and Motoko presented each of their work as a poster, and Nobu presented Kisho's work as a oral presentation at 33rd Annual Meeting of Neural Control of Movement (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

    Barbora Michalidesova finished her term and returned back to Leiden. We will keep collaborating. Thanks Barbora, and we shall keep in touch!

    Rio Shimomura sucessufully obtained his masters degree and has started working as a gaming programmer. Without him, the setting up of the lab would have been very slow. Thanks Rio, all the best for your new adventure!

    Motoko has won the Best Poster Presentation award at CiNet general conference (internal conference), and Nobu became the table tennis champion of CiNet, with Barbora as a runner-up. Congrats, Motoko and Barbora! Well deserved.

    Barbora Michalidesova joined our group as an intern student from Leiden University to setup/run the collaboration study. She will be working with us until March 2024. Welcome to CiNet, Barbora!

    Nobu presented his research at the symposium in 87th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association.

    2023.7.6 - 2023.8.22
    Matthew Longo spent this summer with us in CiNet, developping new collaborations. Thanks Matt! We learned a lot from you.

    Jumpei Mizuno and Ryohei Obata joined our group as researcher and research assistant, respectively. Welcome to CiNet, Jumpei and Ryohei!

    Jie moved to Kyoto University to take a position as HAKUBI assistant professor! Congrats Jie! It was wonderful to spend time with you. All the best for your new adventure!

    Nobu made a poster presentation in Neural control of Movement (NCM2023). Collaboration work with Masaya Hirashima (CiNet) and Honda R&D.

    Motoko Nogami and Shunsuke Takeshige are the new members of our group this year (PhD students). Welcome to CiNet, Motoko and Shunsuke! We are happy that Rio Shimomura will be also keep staying with us this year (visiting student).

    Preprint from our lab is now in bioRxiv, led by Kisho Ogasa (previous posdoc researcher, now, ass. prof. in Fukuoka Univ.).

    8th CiNet Conference has been successfully held. More than 120 people (60 each for onsite/online) continously participated every day. Thank you all for participating. Let's keep in touch for future collaborations!

    A metanalysis paper about neurofeedback training is now published in NeuroImage. Nobu participated as a co-author.

    Happy New Year! Dr. Ryo ISHIBASHI has joined our group as a researcher. Welcome to CiNet, Ryo!

    Our lab member, GAO Jie has been awarded a fellowships from the prestegious Kyoto University Hakubi Project! Congratulations Jie! She will be continuing her research with us in CiNet until Summer 2023

    The detail of the 8th CiNet Conferenceis now open. It will be held on March 7th-9th 2023, and Nobu is organising this. Stay tuned!

    Our paper regarding motor cost and perceptual decisions has been accepted to PLoS One. Collabration with the Crowd Cognition Group in Germany.

    Motoko Nogami's application for Autumn School for Computational Neuroscience (ASCONE) was accepted, and she attended the 3-days intense workshop in Chiba. Congrat's Motoko!

    Dr. Jie GAO joined our group as a researcher. Welcome, Jie!

    Nobu is giving a talk at Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University (EHUB).

    Rio Shimomura joined our group as an internship student. He will stay with us for half a year. Welcome, Rio!

    Nobu presented his (or Kisho Ogasa's!) work at the 16th meeting of the Japanese Society for Motor control. He also served as a member of the program commitee of the meeting. Such a fun meeting every year!

    June 1, 2022
    Motoko Nogami joined our group as a research assistance. Welcome, Motoko!

    June 1, 2022
    The website of Hagura Group has been opened.

    Aril 1, 2021
    Hagura Group has started in CiNet.
Copyright © Nobuhiro Hagura