Join us


When you come to the lobby of CiNet building, you will see the letter written as ‘OMOROI research’ in the frame. OMOROI is a Japanese word used in Kansai district. It is quite difficult to translate the nuance, but perhaps the nearest translation may be ‘Fun and thought provoking’.

In Hagura group, we are always welcoming people who can pursue OMOROI research with us. Please refer to the Research interest section <Research>, to know what we are up to. However, we are open to new proposals which we can investigate together. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining our group.

The main characteristics of CiNet I feel is the very low border between the groups. Especially for the people interested in motor control and learning (CiNet Motor Control Unit), we discuss regularly and lots of active collaborations are going on. Many of the staff members in CiNet have experience in working abroad and weekly seminars are in English. Therefore, it is also a suitable place to work before working abroad, or for the place to start an academic career after returning to Japan. We are also interested in social implementation of the basic findings.

There are couple of ways to join CiNet Hagura group.

As a researcher

  1. Currently, we don't have any open positions. However, as written below, there are many possibilities, so if you are interested in joining our group, please get in touch!
  2. We accept JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (PD) ( First, let’s discuss about the research proposal. Internal processing may take time, so please get it touch well advanced the deadline.
  3. For people from abroad, there is a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan scheme (, or similar scheme for targeted countries (e.g. UK Also, NICT has a foreign researcher invitation scheme. In any case, please get in touch if interested in.
  4. If both agree, we can write project grants together for common interests.

As a graduate school student

  1. Nobu Hagura can accept graduate school students from Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University (, both master course student or from the PhD course. Please get in touch in advance.
  2. In NICT, many schemes are prepared to host graduate school students, either short or long term. Talk to your supervisor, and please get in touch if you want to collaborate with us.

As a research assistant

Before entering the graduate school, it is always very useful to know how the research is like and obtain research experience. It depends on the situation of the budget of that timing, we may be able to hire part-time research assistants to help our work and think together about your future work. The position may also suit for people already having research experience, but not sure yet to go for academic career. Get in touch if you are interested in.

As a research participant

Our research cannot be done without generous people volunteering to participate in our experiments. Are you interested in helping us, by taking part in our experiments? In CiNet, behavioural and/or brain activity measurement experiments are taking place in daily basis. Depending on the content and the duration of the experiment, an honorarium will be paid. As a spare-time job, or as to experience research activity in CiNet, please register to the below link to get the information!

Copyright © Nobuhiro Hagura