117. Tanimoto, H., Matsunaga, T., Someya, Y., Fujinawa, T., Ohyama, H., Morino, I., Yashiro, H., Sugita, T., Inomata, S., Müller, A., Saeki, T., Yoshida, Y., Niwa, Y., Saito, M., Noda, H., Yamashita, Y., Ikeda, K., Saigusa, N., Machida, T., Frey, M. M., Lim, H., Srivastava, P., Jin, Y., Shimizu, A., Nishizawa, T., Kanaya, Y., Sekiya, T., Patra, P., Takigawa, M., Bisht, J., Kasai, Y., and Sato, T. O.: The greenhouse gas observation mission with Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle (GOSAT-GW): objectives, conceptual framework and scientific contributions, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 12:8, doi: 10.1186/s40645-025-00684-9, 2025.
116. Yamada, T., Kobayashi, M., Uchiyama, Y., Hasegawa, Y., Maezawa, H., Miyamoto, H., and Kasai, Y.: Experimental Study of Polarization Characteristics of Terahertz Emission, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, doi: 10.1109/TTHZ.2024.3496571, 2024.
115. Yamada, T., Baron, P., Neary, L., Nishibori, T., Larsson, R., Kuroda, T., Daerden, F., and Kasai, Y.: Observation Capability of a Ground-Based Terahertz Radiometer for Vertical Profiles of Oxygen and Water Abundances in Martian Atmosphere, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-11, 2022.
114. Nakagawa, M., Yamada, T., Sato, S., Kato, I., Nishibori, T., Harada, K., Taniguchi, T., Kawamoto, H., Nakamura, K., Kuhara, T., and Kasai, Y.: Development of a Molecular Assessment High-Resolution Observation Spectrometer (MAHOS) for Microsatellites, IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems, 3(1), 19-28, 2022.
113. 金谷 有剛 他 著, 大気化学の将来構想2022-2032 各論第1集, 金谷 有剛, 須藤 健悟, Prabir Patra, 坂本 陽介, 関谷 高志, 藤縄 環, 谷本 浩志, 江口 菜穂, 齋藤 尚子, 笠井 康子, 出牛 真, 佐藤 知紘, 第3章 “反応性気体 大気汚染物質群の新たな科学: 化学理論の更新と排出 – 気候変動・健康問題の解決へ向けて”, 日本大気化学会 大気化学研究, 第47号, 047A03, ISSN 2189-8839, 2022.
112. Read, W. G., Stiller, G., Lossow, S., Kiefer, M., Khosrawi, F., Hurst, D., Vomel, H., Rosenlof, K., Dinelli, B. M., Raspollini, P., Nedoluha, G. E., Gille, J. C., Kasai, Y., Eriksson, P., Sioris, C. E., Walker, K. A., Weigel, K., Burrows, J. P., and Rozanov, A.: The SPARC Water Vapor Assessment II: assessment of satellite measurements of upper tropospheric humidity, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 11, 3377-3400, 2022.
111. Yamaguchi, S., Sugawara, Y., Nakasuka, S., Kasai, Y., Takeda, M., and Sakama, S.: Landing Method for Simple and Small Mars Lander Using Metal Foam, Aerospace Technology Japan 21, 40-47, 2022.
110. Nakagawa, M., Uchiyama, Y., Yamada, T., Nishibori, T., Ochiai, S., Mizuno, M., Uematsu, A., Sato, S., Nakano, Y., and Kasai, Y.: Compact 480-GHz Radiometer Calibration Unit With Specular Reflection Absorber for Atmospheric Remote Sensor On-Board Microsatellite, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 11, 5,
109. Winkler, H., Yamada, T., Kasai, Y., Berger, U., and Notholt J.: Model simulations of chemical effects of sprites in relation with observed HO2 enhancements over sprite-producing thunderstorms, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(10), 7579-7596, 2021.
108. Schanz, A., Hocke, K., Kämpfer, N., Chabrillat, S., Inness, A., Palm, M., Notholt, J., Boyd, I., Parrish, A., and Kasai, Y.: The Diurnal Variation in Stratospheric Ozone from MACC Reanalysis, ERA-Interim, WACCM, and Earth Observation Data: Characteristics and Intercomparison, Atmosphere, 12, 5, 625, 2021.
107. Lim, H., Go, S., Kim, J., Choi, M., Lee, S., Song, C. K., Kasai, Y.: Integration of GOCI and AHI Yonsei aerosol optical depth products during the 2016 KORUS-AQ and 2018 EMeRGe campaigns, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6, 4575-4592, 2021.
106. Sato, T. O., Kuroda, T., and Kasai, Y.: Novel index to comprehensively evaluate air cleanliness: the Clean aIr Index (CII), Geoscience Communication, 3, 1-15, 2020.
105. Yamada, T., Sato, T. O., Adachi, T., Winkler, H., Kuribayashi, K., Larsson, R., Yoshida, N., Takahashi, Y., Sato, M., Chen, A. B., Hsu, R. R., Nakano, Y., Fujinawa, T., Nara, S., Uchiyama, Y., and Kasai, Y.: HO2 generation above sprite-producing thunderstorms derived from low-noise SMILES observation spectra, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e60090, 2020.
104. Nara, S., Sato, T. O., Yamada, T., Fujinawa, T., Kuribayashi, K., Manabe, T., Froidevaux, L., Livesey, N. J., Walker, K. A., Xu, J., Schreier, F., Orsolini, Y. J., Limpasuvan, V., Kuno, N., and Kasai, Y.: Validation of SMILES HCl profiles over a wide range from the stratosphere to the lower thermosphere, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 6837-6852, 2020.
103. Fujinawa, T., Sato, T. O., Yamada, T., Nara, S., Uchiyama, Y., Takahashi, K., Yoshida, N., and Kasai, Y.: Validation of acetonitrile (CH3CN) measurements in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere from the SMILES instrument on the International Space Station, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 2119-2129, 2020.
102. 山田 崇貴, 笠井 康子, 中川 真秀, 佐藤 滋, 加藤 一郎, 内山 由侑基, 西堀 俊幸, 垣見 征孝, 岡田 望, 植松 明久, 早坂 絵美: 宇宙産業展開の基盤へ。超小型テラヘルツ波リモートセンシング技術, 電波技術協会誌報, 337, 18-21, 2020.
101, Hegglin, M. I., Tegtmeier, S., Anderson, J., Bourassa, A. E., Brohede, S., Degenstein, D., Froidevaux, L., Funke, B., Gille, J., Kasai, Y., Kyrölä, E., Lumpe, J., Murtagh, D., Neu, J. L., Pérot, K., Remsberg, E., Rozanov, A., Toohey, M., Urban, J., von Clarmann, T., Walker, K. A., Wang, H. J., Arosio, C., Damadeo, R., Fuller, R., Lingenfelser, G., McLinden, C., Pendlebury, D., Roth, C., Ryan, N. J., Sioris, C., Smith, L. and Weige, K.: Overview and update of the SPARC Data Initiative: Comparison of stratospheric composition measurements from satellite limb sounders, Earth System Science Data, 13, 1855-1903, 2020.
100. Kim, J., Jeong, U., Ahn, M. H., Kim, J. H., Park, R. J., Lee, H., Song, C. H., Choi, Y. S., Lee, K. H., Yoo, J. M., Jeong, M. J., Park, S. K., Lee, K. M., Song, C. K., Kim, S. W., Kim, Y. J., Kim, S. W., Kim, M., Go, S., Liu, X., Chance, K., Miller, C. C., Al-Saadi, J., Veihelmann, B., Bhartia, P. K., Torres, O., Abad, G. G., Haffner, D. P., Ko, D. H., Lee, S. H., Woo, J. H., Chong, H., Park, S. S., Nicks, D., Choi, W. J., Moon, K. J., Cho, A., Yoon, J., Kim, S. K., Hong, H., Lee, K., Lee, H., Lee, S., Choi, M., Veefkind, P., Levelt, P., Edwards, D., Kang, M., Eo, M., Bak, J., Baek, J., Kwon, H. A., Yang, J., Park, J., Han, K. M., Kim, B. R., Shin, H. W., Choi, H., Lee, E., Chong, J., Cha, Y., Koo, J. H., Irie, H., Hayashida, S., Kasai, Y., Kanaya, Y., Liu, C., Lin. J., Crawford, J. H., Carmichael, G. R., Newchurch, M. J., Lefer, B. L., Herman, J. R., Swap, R. J., Lau, A. K. H., Kurosu, T. P., Jaross, G., Ahlers, B., Dobber, M., McElroy, C. T., and Choi, Y.: New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space: Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, 1, E1-E22, 2020.
99. von Clarmann, T., Degenstein, D. A., Livesey, N. J., Bender, S., Braverman, A., Butz, A., Compernolle, S., Damadeo, R., Dueck, S., Eriksson, P., Funke, B., Johnson, M. C., Kasai, Y., Keppens, A., Kleinert, A., Kramarova, N. A., Laeng, A., Langerock, B., Payne, V. H., Rozanov, A., Sato, T. O., Schneider, M., Sheese, P., Sofieva, V., Stiller, G. P., von Savigny, C. and Zawada, D.,: Overview: Estimating and reporting uncertainties in remotely sensed atmospheric composition and temperature, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 8, 4393-4436, 2020.
98. Lutsch, E., Strong, K., Jones, D. B. A., Blumenstock, T., Conway, S., Fisher, J. A., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Kasai, Y., Mahieu, E., Makarova, M., Morino, I., Nagahama, T., Notholt, J., Ortega, I., Palm, M., Poberovskii, A. V., Sussmann, R., and Warneke, T.: Detection and Attribution of Wildfire Pollution in the Arctic and Northern Mid-latitudes using a Network of FTIR Spectrometers and GEOS-Chem, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 21, 12813-12851, 2020.
97. Fujinawa, T., Noguchi, K., Kuze, A., Richter, A., Burrows, J. P., Meier, A. C., Sato, T. O., Kuroda, T., Yoshida, N., and Kasai, Y.: Concept of small satellite UV/visible imaging spectrometer optimized for tropospheric NO2 measurements in air quality monitoring, Acta Astronautica, 160, 421-432, 2019.
96. Lossow, S., Khosrawi, F., Kiefer, M., Walker, K. A., Bertaux, J. L., Blanot, L., Russell, J. M., Remsberg, E. E., Gille, J. C., Sugita, T., Sioris, C. E., Dinelli, B. M., Papandrea, E., Raspollini, P., Garcia-Comas, M., Stiller, G. P., von Clarmann, T., Dudhia, A., Read, W. G., Nedoluha, G. E., Damadeo, R. P., Zawodny, J. M., Weigel, K., Rozanov, A., Azam, F., Bramstedt, K., Noël, S., Burrows, J. P., Sagawa, H., Kasai, Y., Urban, J. Eriksson, P., Murtagh, D. P., Hervig, M. E., Högberg, C., Hurst, D. F., and Rosenlof, K. H.: The SPARC water vapour assessment II: profile-to-profile comparisons of stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour data sets obtained from satellites, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 2693–2732, 2019.
95. 笠井 康子, 山田 崇貴: 木星圏探査サブミリ波分光計 JUICE/SWI の挑戦 (特集 宇宙からの赤外線観測), 日本赤外線学会誌, 29, 37-42, 2019.
94. 笠井 康子, 山田 崇貴: テラヘルツ波リモートセンシング: 大気分子の純回転遷移間の非局所熱平衡問題を解く (新たな光技術で進展するリモートセンシング), Optical Society of Japan, 48, 187-192, 2019.
93. Yamada, T., Rezac, L., Larsson, R., Hartogh, P., Yoshida, N., and Kasai, Y.: Solving non-LTE problems in rotational transitions using the Gauss–Seidel method and its implementation in the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 619, A181, 2018.
92. Sato, T. O., Sato, M., Sagawa, H., Noguchi, K., Saito, N., Irie, H., Kita, K., Mahani, M. E., Zettsu, K., Imasu, R., Hayashida, S., and Kasai, Y.: Vertical profile of tropospheric ozone derived from synergetic retrieval using three different wavelength ranges, UV, IR, and microwave: sensitivity study for satellite observation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 1-16, 2018.
91. Lim, H., Choi, M., Kim, J., Kasai, Y., and Chan, P. W.: AHI/Himawari-8 Yonsei Aerosol Retrieval (YAER): Algorithm, Validation and Merged Products, Remote Sensing, 10, 5, 2018.
90. Sakagami, R., Takahai, R., Wachi, A., Koshiro, Y., Maezawa, H., Kasai, Y., and Nakasuka, S.: Integral design method for simple and small Mars lander system using membrane aeroshell, Acta Astronautica, 144, 103-118, 2018.
89. Khosrawi, F., Lossow, S., Stiller, G. P., Rosenlof, K. H., Urban, J., Burrows, J. P., Damadeo, R. P., Eriksson, P., Comas, M. G., Gille, J. C., Kasai, Y., Kiefer, M., Nedoluha, G. E., Noël, S., Raspollini, P., Read, W. G., Rozanov, A., Sioris, C. E., Walker, K. A., and Weigel, K.: The SPARC water vapour assessment II: comparison of stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour time series observed from satellites, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 7, 4435-4463, 2018.
88. Larsson, R., Kasai, Y., Kuroda, T., Sato, S., Yamada, T., Maezawa, H., Hasegawa, Y., Nishibori, T., Nakasuka, S., and Hartogh, P.: Mars submillimeter sensor on microsatellite: sensor feasibility study, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 7, 331-341, 2018.
87. Sato, T. O., Kuribayashi, K., Yoshida, N., Kasai, Y.: Diurnal variation of oxygen isotopic enrichment in asymmetric-18 ozone observed by the SMILES from space, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 6399-6406, 2017.
86. Onoda, M., and Young, O. Eds., Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy, Springer Singapore, Kasai, Y., Aoki, S., Aizawa A., Okamatsu A., Sato, T. O., Onoda M., and Johnson, B. A.: Chapter 2 “Policy and Earth Observation Innovation Cycle (PEOIC) Project (Japan)”, 2017.
85. Kuribayashi, K., Yoshida, N., Jin, H., Orsolini, Y. J., Kasai, Y.: Optimal retrieval method to stimate ozone vertical profile in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region from submillimeter-wave limb emission spectra, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 192, 42-52, 2017.
84. 佐藤知紘, 是津耕司, 笠井康子: 複数波長帯マルチスペクトル同時解析による対流圏オゾン高度分布の導出, 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 37, 341-350, 2017.
83. Millan, L., Wang, S., Livesey, N., Kinnison, D., Sagawa, H., and Kasai, Y.: Stratospheric and esospheric HO2 Observations from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 2889-2902, 2015.
82. Jiang, J. H., Su, H., Zhai, C., Shen, T. J., Wu, T., Zhang, J., Cole, J. N. S., von Salzen, K., Donner, L. J., Seman, C., Genio, A. D., Nazarenko, L.S., Dufresne, J. L., Watanabe, M., Morcrette, C., Koshiro, T., Kawai, H., Gettelman, A., Millán, L., Read, W. G., Livesey, N. J., Kasai, Y., and Shiotani, M.: Evaluating the diurnal cycle of upper tropospheric ice clouds in climate models using SMILES observations, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 1022-1044, 2015.
81. Sato, T. O., Sagawa, H., Yoshida, N., Kasai, Y.: Vertical profile of δ18OOO from the middle stratosphere to lower mesosphere from SMILES spectra, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 941-958, 2014.
80. Kuribayashi, K., Sagawa, H., Lehmann, R., Sato, T. O., Kasai, Y.: Direct estimation of the rate constant of the reaction ClO + HO2 → HOCl + O2 from SMILES atmospheric observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 255-266, 2014.
79. Sagi, K., Murtagh, D., Urban, J., Sagawa, H., and Kasai, Y.: The use of SMILES data to study ozone loss in the Arctic winter 2009/2010 and comparison with Odin/SMR data using assimilation techniques, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 12855-12869, 2014.
78. Eriksson, P., Rydberg, B., Sagawa, H., Johnston, M.S., and Kasai, Y.: Overview and sample applications of SMILES and Odin-SMR retrievals of upper tropospheric humidity and cloud ice mass, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 12613-12629, 2014.
77. Hassler, B., Petropavlovskikh, I., Staehelin, J., August, T., Bhartia, P. K., Clerbaux, C., Degenstein, D., Mazière, M. D., Dinelli, B. M., Dudhia, A., Dufour, G., Frith, S. M., Froidevaux, L., Godin-Beekmann, S., Granville, J., Harris, N. R. P., Hoppel, K., Hubert, D., Kasai, Y., Kurylo, M. J., Kyrölä, E., Lambert, J. C., Levelt, P. F., McElroy, C. T., McPeters, R. D., Munro, R., Nakajima, H., Parrish, A., Raspollini, P., Remsberg, E. E., Rosenlof, K. H., Rozanov, A., Sano, T., Sasano, Y., Shiotani, M., Smit, H. G. J., Stiller, G., Stolarski, R. S., Tamminen, J., Tarasick, D. W., Urban, J., von der A, R. J., Veefkind, J.P., Vigouroux, C., von Clarmann, T., von Savigny, C., Walker, K. A., Weber, M., Wild, J., and Zawodny, J.: Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone - Part 1: Measurement techniques, uncertainties and availability, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 1395-1427, 2014.
76. Laeng, A., Grabowski, U., von Clarmann, T., Stiller, G., Glatthor, N., Hoepfner, M., Kellmann, S., Kiefer, M., Linden, A., Lossow, S., Sofieva, V., Petropavlovskikh, I., Hubert, D., Bathgate, T., Bernath, P., Boone, C. D., Clerbaux, C., Coheur, P., Damadeo, R., Degenstein, D., Frith, S., Froidevaux, L., Gille, J., Hoppel, K., McHugh, M., Kasai, Y., Lumpe, J., Rapoe, N., Toon, G., Sano, T., Suzuki, M., Tamminen, J., Urban, J., Walker, K., Weber, M., and Zawodny, J.: Validation of MIPAS IMK/IAA V5R_O3_224 ozone profiles, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 3971-3987, 2014.
75. Sagawa, H., Sato, T. O., Baron, P., Dupuy, E., Livesey, N., Urban, J., von Clarmann, T., Lange, A. de, Wetzel, G., Kagawa, A., Murtagh, D., Kasai, Y.: Comparison of SMILES ClO profiles with satellite, balloon-borne and ground-based measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 3325-3347, 2013.
74. Kasai, Y., Sagawa, H., Kreyling, D., Suzuki, K., Dupuy, E., Sato, T. O., Mendrok, J., Baron, P., Nishibori, T., Mizobuchi, S., Kikuchi, K., Manabe, T., Ozeki, H., Sugita, T., Fujiwara, M., Irimajiri, Y., Walker, K. A., Bernath, P. F., Boone, C., Stiller, G., von Clarmann, T., Orphal, J., Urban, J., Murtagh, D., Llewellyn, E. J., Degenstein, D., Bourassa, A. E., Lloyd, N. D., Froidevaux, L., Birk, M., Wagner, G., Schreier, F., Xu, J., Vogt, P., Trautmann, T., and Yasui, M.: Validation of stratospheric and mesospheric ozone observed by SMILES from International Space Station, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 2311-2338, 2013.
73. Kreyling, D., Sagawa, H., Wohltmann, I., Lehmann, R., and Kasai, Y.: SMILES zonal and diurnal variation climatology of strato- and mesospheric trace gases: O3, HCl, HNO3, ClO, BrO, HOCl, HO2, and temperature, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 1-16, 2013.
72. Baron, P., Murtagh, D. P., Urban, J., Sagawa, H., Ochiai, S., Kornich, H., Khosrawi, F., Kikuchi, K., Mizobuchi, S., Sagi, K., Kasai, Y., and Yasui, M.: Observation of horizontal winds in the middle- atmosphere between 30°S and 55°N during the northern winter 2009-2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 6049-6064, 2013.
71. Khosravi, M., Baron, P., Urban, J., Froidevaux, L., Jonsson, A. I., Kasai, Y., Kuribayashi, K., Mitsuda, C., Murtagh, D. P., Sagawa, H., Santee, M. L., Sato, T. O., Shiotani, M., Suzuki, M., von Clarmann, T., Walker, K. A., and Wang, S.: Diurnal variation of stratospheric and lower mesospheric HOCl, ClO and HO2 at the equator: comparison of 1-D model calculations with measurements by satellite instruments, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 7587-7606, 2013.
70. Toohey, M., Hegglin, M. I., Tegtmeier, S., Anderson, J., Anel, J. A., Bourassa, A., Brohede, S., Degenstein, D., Froidevaux, L., Fuller, R., Funke, B., Gille, J., Jones, A., Kasai, Y., Kyrola, E., Neu, J., Rozanov, A., Smith, L., Urban, J., von Clarmann, T., Walker, K. A., and Wang, R.: Characterizing sampling biases in the trace gas climatologies of the SPARC Data Initiative, Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 118, 11,847-11,862, 2013.
69. Larsson, R., Ramstad, R., Mendrok, J., Buehler, S. A., and Kasai, Y.: A Method for Remote Sensing of Weak Planetary Magnetic Fields - Simulated Application to Mars, Geophysical Research Letters., 40, 5014-5018, 2013.
68. Tegtmeier, S., Hegglin, M. I., Anderson, J., Bourassa, A., Brohede, S., Degenstein, D., Froidevaux, L., Fuller, R., Funke, B., Gille, j., Jones, A., Kasai, Y., Kyrola, E., Lingenfelser, G., Lumpe, J., Nardi, B., Neu, J., Pendelbury, D., Remsberg, E., Rozanov, A., Smith, L., Toohey, M., Urban, J., von Clarmann, T., Walker, K. A., and Wang, R.: The SPARC Data Initiative: A comparison of ozone climatologies from international limb satellite sounders, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 12, 229-12, 247, 2013.
67. Kasai, Y., Sagawa, H.: Measuring atmospheric chemistry and ozone levels, SPIE Newsroom, 2013.
66. Sugita, T., Kasai, Y., Terao, Y., Hayashida, S., Manney, G. L., Daffer, W. H., Sagawa, H., Suzuki, M., Shiotani, M., Walker, K. A., Boone, C. D., and Bernath, P. F.: HCl and ClO profiles inside the Antarctic vortex as observed by SMILES in November 2009: Comparisons with MLS and ACE-FTS instruments, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 3099-3113, 2013.
65. Millán, L., Read, W., Kasai, Y., Lambert, A., Livesey, N., Mendrok, J., Sagawa, H., Sano, T., Shiotani, M., and Wu, D. L.: SMILES Ice Cloud products, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118,12,6468-6477, 2013.
64. Stachnik, R. F., Millan, L., Jarnot, R., Monroe, R., Mclinden, C., Kuhl, S., Pukite, J., Shiotani, M., Suzuki, M., Kasai, Y., Goutail, F., Pommereau, J. P., Dorf, M., and Pfeilsticker, K.: Stratospheric BrO abundance measured by a balloon-borne submillimeterwave radiometer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 3307-3319, 2013.
63. Sato, T. O., Sagawa, H., Kreyling, D., Manabe, T., Ochiai, S., Kikuchi, K., Baron, P., Mendrok, J., Urban, J., Murtagh, D., Yasui, M., and Kasai, Y.: Strato-mesospheric ClO observations by SMILES: error analysis and diurnal variation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 2809-2825, 2012.
62. Buehler, S. A., Defer, E., Evans, F., Eliasson, S., Mendrok, J., Eriksson, P., Lee, C., Jim´enez, C., Prigent, C., Crewell, S., Kasai, Y., Bennartz, R., and Gasiewski, A. J.: Observing ice clouds in the submillimeter spectral range: the Cloud Ice mission proposal for ESA’s Earth Explorer 8, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 1529-1549, 2012.
61. Hiraki, Y., Yamada, A., Kasai, Y., Seta, T., Ozima, M.: Evaluation of isotopic fractionation of oxygen ions escaping from terrestrial thermosphere, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 84, 525-533, 2012.
60. Kohlhepp, R., Ruhnke, R., Chipperfield, M. P., Maziere, M. De, Notholt, J., Barthlott, S., Batchelor, R. L., Blatherwick, R. D., Blumenstock, Th, Coffey, M. T., Demoulin, P., Fast, H., Feng, W., Goldman, A., Griffith, D.W.T., Hamann, K., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Jones, N. B., Kagawa, A., Kaiser, I., Kasai, Y., Kirner, O., Kouker, W., Lindenmaier, R., Mahieu, E., Mittermeier, R. L., Monge-Sanz, B., Morino, I., Murata, I., Nakajima, H., Palm, M., Paton-Walsh, C., Raffalski, U., Reddmann, Th., Rettinger, M., Rinsland, C.P., Rozanov, E., Schneider, M., Senten, C., Servais, C., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Smale, D., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Taylor, J. R., Vanhaelewyn, G., Warneke, T., Whaley, C., Wiehle, M., and Wood, S. W.: Observed and simulated time evolution of HCl, ClONO2, and HF total column abundances, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 3527-3556, 2012.
59. Kasai, Y., Sagawa, H., Kuroda, T., Manabe, T., Ochiai, S., Kikuchi, K., Nishibori, T., Baron, P., Mendrok, J., Hartogh, P., Murtagh, D., Urban, J., von Schéele, F., and Frisk, U.: Overview of the Martian atmospheric submillimetre sounder FIRE, Planetary and Space Science, 63-64, 62-82, 2012.
58. Irie, H., Iwabuchi, H., Noguchi, K., Kasai, Y., Kita, K., Akimoto, H.: Quantifying the relationship between the measurement precision and specifications of a UV/visible sensor on a geostationary satellite, Advances in Space Research, 49, 1743-1749, 2012.
57. Baron, P., Urban, J., Sagawa, H., Möller, J., Murtagh, D. P., Mendrok, J., Dupuy, E., Sato, T. O., Ochiai, S., Suzuki, K., Manabe, T., Nishibori, T., Kikuchi, K., Sato, R., Takayanagi, M., Murayama, Y., Shiotani, M., and Kasai, Y.: The Level 2 research product algorithms for the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4, 2105-2124, 2011.
56. Kasai, Y., Dupuy, E., Saito, R., Hashimoto, K., Sabu, A., Kondo, S., Sumiyoshi, Y., Endo, Y.: The H2O-HO2 water vapour complex in the Earth's atmosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 8607-8612, 2011.
55. Sato, T. O., Mizoguchi, A., Mendrok, J., Kanamori, and H., Kasai, Y.: Measurement of the pressure broadening coefficient of the 625 GHz transition of H2O2 in the sub-millimeter-wave region, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111, 821-825, 2010.
54. Kikuchi, K., Nishibori, T., Ochiai, S., Ozeki, H., Irimajiri, Y., Kasai, Y., Koike, M., Manabe, T., Mizukoshi, K., Murayama, Y., Nagahama, T., Sano, T., Sato, R., Seta, M., Takahashi, C., Takayanagi, M., Masuko, H., Inatani, J., Suzuki, M., and Shiotani, M.: Overview and Early Results of the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES), Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D23306, 2010.
53. Takagi, M., Suzuki, K., Sagawa, H., Baron, P., Mendrok, J., Kasai, Y., and Matsuda, Y.: Influence of CO2 line profiles on radiative and radiative-convective equilibrium states of the Venus lower atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, E06014, 2010.
52. Hyodo, M., Saito, S., Kasai, Y.: Optical phase-locked loop with fibre lasers for low phase noise millimetre-wave signal generation, Electronics Letters, 45, 878-880, 2009.
51. Sagawa, H., Mendrok, J., Seta, T., Hoshina, H., Baron, P., Suzuki, K., Hosako, I., Otani, C., Hartogh, P., and Kasai, Y.: Pressure broadening coefficients of H2O induced by CO2 for Venus atmosphere, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 110, 2027-2036, 2009.
50. Baron, P., Dupuy, E., Urban, J., Murtagh, D. P., Eriksson, P., and Kasai, Y.: HO2 measurements in the stratosphere and the mesosphere from the sub-millimeter limb sounder Odin/SMR, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 4195-4208, 2009.
49. Dupuy, E., Walker, K. A., Kar, J., Boone, C. D., McElroy, C. T., Bernath, P. F., Drummond, J. R., Skelton, R., McLeod, S. D., Hughes, R. C., Nowlan, C. R., Dufour, D. G., Zou, J., Nichitiu, F., Strong, K., Baron, P., Bevilacqua, R. M., Blumenstock, T., Bodeker, G. E., Borsdorff, T., Bourassa, A. E., Bovensmann, H., Boyd, I. S., Bracher, A., Brogniez, C., Burrows, J. P., Catoire, V., Ceccherini, S., Chabrillat, S., Christensen, T., Coffey, M. T., Cortesi, U., Davies, J., DeClercq, C., Degenstein, D. A., DeMaziere, M., Demoulin, P., Dodion, J., Firanski, B., Fischer, H., Forbes, G., Froidevaux, L., Fussen, D., Gerard, P., Godin-Beekmann, S., Goutail, F., Granville, J., Griffith, D., Haley, C. S., Hannigan, J. W., Hopfner, M., Jin, J. J., Jones, A., Jones, N. B., Jucks, K., Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., Kerzenmacher, T. E., Kleinbohl, A., Klekociuk, A. R., Kramer, I., Kullmann, H., Kuttippurath, J., Kyrola, E., Lambert, J.-C., Livesey, N. J., Llewellyn, E. J., Lloyd, N. D., Mahieu, E., Manney, G. L., Marshall, B. T., McConnell, J. C., McCormick, M. P., McDermid, I. S., McHugh, M., McLinden, C. A., Mellqvist, J., Mizutani, K., Murayama, Y., Murtagh, D. P., Oelhaf, H., Parrish, A., Petelina, S. V., Piccolo, C., Pommereau, J.-P., Randall, C. E., Robert, C., Roth, C., Schneider, M., Senten, C., Steck, T., Strandberg, A., Strawbridge, K. B., Sussmann, R., Swart, D. P. J., Tarasick, D. W., Taylor, J. W., Tetard, C., Thomason, L. W., Thompson, A. M., Tully, M. B., Urban, J., Vanhellemont, F., Vigouroux, C., von Clarmann, T., VonderGathen, P., von Savigny, C., Waters, J. W., Witte, J. C., Wolff, M., and Zawodny, J. M.: Validation of ozone measurements from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 287-343, 2009.
48. Mahieu, E., Duchatelet, P., Demoulin, P., Walker, K. A., Dupuy, E., Froidevaux, L., Randall, C., Catoire, V., Strong, K., Boone, C. D., Bernath, P. F., Blavier, J.-F., Blumenstock, T., Coffey, M., DeMaziere, M., Griffith, D., Hannigan, J., Hase, F., Jones, N., Jucks, K. W., Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., Mebarki, Y., Mikuteit, S., Nassar, R., Notholt, J., Rinsland, C. P., Robert, C., Schrems, O., Senten, C., Smale, D., Taylor, J., Tetard, C., Toon, G. C., Warneke, T., Wood, S. W., Zander, R., and Servais, C.: Validation of ACE-FTS v2.2 measurements of HCl, HF, CCl3F and CCl2F2 using space-, balloon- and ground-based instrument observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 6199-6221, 2008.
47. Hiraki, Y., Kasai, Y., and Fukunishi, H.: Chemistry of sprite discharges through ion-neutral reactions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 3919-3928, 2008.
46. Wolff, M. A., Kerzenmacher, T., Strong, K., Walker, K. A., Toohey, M., Dupuy, E., Bernath, P. F., Boone, C. D., Brohede, S., Catoire, V., von Clarmann, T., Coffey, M., Daffer, W. H., DeMaziere, M., Duchatelet, P., Glatthor, N., Griffith, D. W. T., Hannigan, J., Hase, F., Hopfner, M., Huret, N., Jones, N., Jucks, K., Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., Kramer, I., Kullmann, H., Kuttippurath, J., Mahieu, E., Manney, G., McElroy, C. T., McLinden, C., Mebarki, Y., Mikuteit, S., Murtagh, D., Piccolo, C., Raspollini, P., Ridolfi, M., Ruhnke, R., Santee, M., Senten, C., Smale, D., Tetard, C., Urban, J., and Wood, S.: Validation of HNO3, ClONO2, and N2O5 from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 3529-3562, 2008.
45. Hoshina, H., Seta, T., Iwamoto, T., Hosako, I., Otani, C., Kasai, Y.: Precise measurement of pressure broadening parameters for water vapor with a terahertz time-domain spectrometer, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 109, 2303-2314, 2008.
44. Clerbaux, C., George, M., Turquety, S., Walker, K. A., Barret, B., Bernath, P., Boone, C., Borsdorff, T., Cammas, J. P., Catoire, V., Coffey, M., Coheur, P.-F., Deeter, M., DeMaziere, M., Drummond, J., Duchatelet, P., Dupuy, E., Zafra, R. de, Eddounia, F., Edwards, D. P., Emmons, L., Funke, B., Gille, J., Griffith, D. W. T., Hannigan, J., Hase, F., Hopfner, M., Jones, N., Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., Kramer, I., LeFlochmoen, E., Livesey, N. J., Lopez-Puertas, M., Luo, M., Mahieu, E., Murtagh, D., Nedelec, P., Pazmino, A., Pumphrey, H., Ricaud, P., Rinsland, C. P., Robert, C., Schneider, M., Senten, C., Stiller, G., Strandberg, A., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Thouret, V., Urban, J., and Wiacek, A.: CO measurements from the ACE-FTS satellite instrument: data analysis and validation using ground-based, airborne and spaceborne observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 2569-2594, 2008.
43. DeMaziere, M., Vigouroux, C., Bernath, P. F., Baron, P., Blumenstock, T., Boone, C., Brogniez, C., Catoire, V., Coffey, M., Duchatelet, P., Griffith, D., Hannigan, J., Kasai, Y., Kramer, I., Jones, N., Mahieu, E., Manney, G. L., Piccolo, C., Randall, C., Robert, C., Senten, C., Strong, K., Taylor, J., Tetard, C., Walker, K. A., and Wood, S.: Validation of ACE-FTS v2.2 methane profiles from the upper troposphere to the lower mesosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 2421-2435, 2008.
42. Seta, T., Hoshina, H., Kasai, Y., Hosako, I., Otani, C., Losow, S., Urban, J., Ekstrom, M., Eriksson, P., and Murtagh, D.: Pressure broadening coefficients of the water vapor lines at 556.936 and 752.033 GHz, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 109, 144-150, 2008.
41. 笠井 康子, 瀬田 孝将: テラヘルツ電磁波大気伝搬モデル, 情報通信研究機構季報, 54, 61-64, 2008.
40. Kasai, Y., Seta, T.: Atmospheric Propagation Model of Terahertz-Wave, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 55, 73-77, 2008.
39. 笠井 康子: テラヘルツ波リモートセンシング総論, 情報通信研究機構季報, 54, 65-67, 2008.
38. Kasai, Y.: Introduction to Terahertz-Wave Remote Sensing, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 55, 79-81, 2008.
37. 笠井 康子, 落合 啓: 国際宇宙ステーション搭載サブミリ波サウンダ II:データ処理アルゴリズム開発とSMILES シミュレーション, 情報通信研究機構季報, 54, 81-92, 2008.
36. Kasai, Y., and Ochiai, S.: Super-Conductive Submillimeter-Wave Limb Emission Sounder Onboard International Space Station II: Algorithm Development of for the Data Processing, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 55, 97-108, 2008.
35. バロン フィリップ, メンドロック ヤナ, 笠井 康子, 落合 啓, 瀬田 孝将, 鷺 和俊, 鈴木 広大, 佐川 英夫, ウルバン ヨアヒム: MATRAS(テラヘルツ大気放射伝達モデル), 情報通信研究機構季報, 54, 93-105, 2008.
34. Baron, P., Mendrok, J., Kasai, Y., Ochiai, S., Seta, T., Sagi, K., Suzuki, K., Sagawa, H., and Urban, J.: AMATERASU: Model for Atmospheric TeraHertz Radiation Analysis and Simulation, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 55, 109-121, 2008.
33. メンドロック ヤナ, バロン フィリップ, 笠井 康子: MATRAS:雲散乱を考慮したケース, 情報通信研究機構季報, 54, 107-116, 2008.
32. Mendrok, J., Baron, P., and Kasai, Y.: The AMATERASU Scattering Module, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 55, 123-133, 2008.
31. Jones, N. B., Kasai, Y., Dupuy, E., Murayama, Y., Urban, J., Barret, B., Sinnhuber, M., Kagawa, A., Koshiro, T., Ricaud, P., and Murtagh, D.: Stratomesospheric CO measured by a ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometer over Poker Flat, Alaska: Comparisons with Odin/SMR and a 2-D model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(D20), D20303, 2007.
30. Hosako, I., Sekine, N., Patrashin, M., Saito, S., Fukunaga, K., Kasai, Y., Baron, P., Seta, T., Mendrok, J., Ochiai, S., and Yasuda, H.: At the Dawn of a New Era in Terahertz Technology, Proceedings of the IEEE, 95, 1611-1623, 2007.
29. Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., Jones, N. B., Yamamori, M., Seki, K., Murcray, F., Murayama, Y., Mizutani, K., and Itabe, T.: Characteristics and error estimation of stratospheric ozone and ozone-related species over Poker Flat (65°N, 147°W), Alaska observed by a ground-based FTIR spectrometer from 2001 to 2003, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 3791-3810, 2007.
28. 保科 宏道,瀬田 孝将,笠井 康子,寶迫 巌,大谷 知行: テラヘルツ時間領域分光法による気体分子の分光: 水蒸気スペクトルの圧力広がり係数測定, 月刊OPTRONICS, 26, 110-116, 2007.
27. Urban, J., Lautie, N., Murtagh, D., Eriksson, P., Kasai, Y., Losow, S., Dupuy, E., deLaNoe, J., Frisk, U., Olberg, M., LeFlochmoen, E., and Ricaud, P.: Global observations of middle atmospheric water vapour by the Odin satellite: An overview, Planetary and Space Science, 55, 1093-1102, 2007.
26. Kasai, Y., Kagi, E., and Kawaguchi, K.: Analysis of Radio Astronomical Data of the Negative Ion C6H- in IRC +10 216, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 661, 61-64, 2007.
25. Velazco, V., Wood, S. W., Sinnhuber, M., Kramer, I., Jones, N. B., Kasai, Y., Notholt, J., Warneke, T., Blumenstock, T., Hase, F., Murcray, F. J., and Schrems, O.: Annual variation of strato-mesospheric carbon monoxide measured by ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 1305-1312, 2007.
24. 村山 泰啓, 石井 守, 久保田 実, 森 弘隆, 水谷 耕平, 落合 啓, 笠井 康子, 川村 誠治, 田中 良昌, 増子 治信, 井口 俊夫, 熊谷 博, 菊池 崇, 佐藤 薫, コリンズ リチャード, ワトキンス ブレントン, コンデ マク, ブリストウ ビル, スミス ロジャー: アラスカ・プロジェクトにおける北極域大気総合観測システムの開発と成果, 情報通信研究機構季報, 53, 3-12, 2007.
23. Murayama, Y., Ishii, M., Kubota, M., Mori, H., Mizutani, K., Ochiai, S., Kasai, Y., Kawamura, S., Tanaka, Y., Masuko, H., Iguchi, T., Kumagai, H., Kikuchi, T., Sato, K., Collins, R. L., Watkins, B. J., Conde, M., Bristow, W. B., and Smith, R. W.: Comprehensive Arctic Atmosphere Observing System and Observed Results for "System Performance Demonstration", Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 5-16, 2007.
22. 山森 美穂, 村山 泰啓, 柴崎 和夫, 村田 功, 香川 晶子, 笠井 康子, 宮崎 和幸: アラスカにおけるオゾンゾンデキャンペーン観測及び観測結果の3次元化学輸送モデルデータとの比較, 情報通信研究機構季報, 53, 35-41, 2007.
21. Yamamori, M., Murayama, Y., Shibasaki, K., Murata, I., Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., and Miyazaki, K.: Intensive Ozonesonde Observation at Fairbanks and Comparison with Three-Dimensional Chemical Transport Model, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 39-45, 2007.
20. 落合 啓、笠井 康子、入交 芳久、瀬田 益道、真鍋 武嗣: 超伝導サブミリ波リム放射サウンダ (SMILES) の開発と地上試験, 情報通信研究機構季報, 53, 123-130, 2007.
19. Ochiai, S., Kasai, Y., Irimajiri, Y., Seta, M., and Manabe, T.: Development and Ground Tests of Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES), Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 139-148, 2007.
18. 山田 真澄, 笠井 康子, 天埜 堯義: 地球大気サブミリ波リモートセンシング観測のための実験室分子圧力幅測定, 情報通信研究機構季報, 53, 131-136, 2007.
17. Yamada, M., Kasai, Y., and Amano, T.: The Laboratory Measurement of Pressure Broadening Parameter for Atmospheric Remote Sensing, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 149-154, 2007.
16. バロン フィリップ, メンドロック ヤナ, 笠井 康子: リモートセンシングから大気パラメータを得るニューラルネットワークの実装, 情報通信研究機構季報, 53, 147-160, 2007.
15. Baron, P., Mendrok, J., and Kasai, Y.: Implementation of a Neural Network for Retrieving Atmospheric Parameters from Remote Sensing, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 165-178, 2007.
14. メンドロック ヤナ, バロン フィリップ, 笠井 康子: 超伝導サブミリ波サウンダSMILESによる上部対流圏オゾン観測に対して巻雲が及ぼす影響の評価, 情報通信研究機構季報, 53, 161-173, 2007.
13. Mendrok, J., Baron, P., Kasai, Y.: The Impact of Cirrus Clouds on Retrieval of Ozone in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere from SMILES Data, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 179-192, 2007.
12. Yamamori, M., Kagawa, A., Kasai, Y., Mizutani, K., Murayama, Y., Sugita, T., Irie, H., Nakajima, H., Validation of ILAS-II version 1.4 O3, HNO3, and temperature data through comparison with ozonesonde, ground-based FTS, and lidar measurements in Alaska, Journal of Geophysicl Research, 111(D11), D11S08, 2006.
11. Morisawa, Y., Fushitani, M., Kato, Y., Hoshina, H., Simizu, Z., Watanabe, S., Miyamoto, Y., Kasai, Y., Kawaguchi, K., Momose, T.: Correlation between Nuclear Spin Ratio of Cyclic C3H2 and Chemical Evolution in TMC-1 Cores, The Astrophysical Journal, 642, 954-965, 2006.
10. 笠井 康子: サブミリ波を用いた宇宙からの地球大気観測, 分光研究, 55, 89-98, 2006.
9. Kasai, Y. J, Urban, J., Takahashi, C., Hoshino, S., Takahashi, K., Inatani, J., Shiotani, M., and Masuko, H., Stratospheric ozone isotope enrichment studied by submillimeter wave heterodyne radiometry: the observation capabilities of SMILES, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44, 676-693, 2006.
8. Kasai, Y. J., Kagawa, A., Jones, N., Fujiwara, A., Seki, K., Murayama, Y., Murcray, F.: Seasonal variations of CO and HCN in the troposphere measured by solar absorption spectroscopy over Poker Flat, Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L19812, 2005.
7. Morisawa, Y., Hoshina, H., Kato, Y., Simizu, Z., Kuma, S., Sogoshi, N., Fushitani, M., Watanabe, S., Miyamoto, Y., Momose, T., Kasai, Y., and Kawaguchi, K.: Search for CCH-, NCO-, and NCS- Negative Ions in Molecular Clouds, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 57, 325-334, 2005.
6. Melsheimer, C., Verdes, C., Buehler, S. A., Emde, C., Eriksson, P., Feist, D. G., Ichizawa, S., John, V. O., Kasai, Y., Kopp, G., Koulev, N., Kuhn, T., Lemke, O., Ochiai, S., Schreier, F., Sreerekha, T. R., Suzuki, M., Takahashi, C., Tsujimaru, S., and Urban, J.: Intercomparison of general purpose clear sky atmospheric radiative transfer models for the millimeter/submillimeter spectral range, Radio Science, 40, RS1007, 2005.
5. Kasai, Y. J., Koshiro, T., Endo, M., Jones, N. B., Murayama, Y.: Ground-based measurement of strato-mesospheric CO by a FTIR spectrometer over Poker Flat, Alaska, Advances in Space Research, 35, 2024-2030, 2005.
4. Hiraki, Y., Tong, L., Fukunishi, H., Nanbu, K., Kasai, Y., Ichimura, A.: Generation of metastable oxygen atom O(1D) in sprite halos, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L14105, 2004.
3 関 浩二, 笠井 康子, 村山 泰啓, 水谷 耕平, 板部 敏和, マークレー フランク, シンプソン ウィリヤム, ロイド スティーブン: Poker Flat FTIRによる大気微量成分の観測, 通信総合研究所季報, 48, 171-179, 2002.
2. Seki, K., Kasai, Y., Murayama, Y., Mizutani, K., Itabe, T., Murcray, F. J., Simpson, W. R., Lloyd, S. A.: Trace Gas Observation with Poker Flat FTIR, Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory, 49, 191-200, 2002.
1. 笠井 康子: 成層圏オゾンの同位体の偏重, 化学と工業, 54, 495, 2001.