K5/VSSP (IP-VLBI) Observation Software

Recent Update History
  • 2020-05-27 add "pulsar".
  • 2018-09-27 archive to adjust Version.
  • 2018-02-19 add an option '-ps psname' to "speana"
  • 2018-02-06 debug "speana_n"
  • 2018-02-04 debug "speana". Note! There are serious bugs in archives Ver.20170310 and Ver.20171009.
  • 2018-01-25 revise "m5check".
  • 2018-01-24 revise "m5btok5". update option analysis for an option "-4ch".
  • 2018-01-08 update "pfind"

Software List

K5/VSSP Observation Software (Version 2017-10-09 and after)

Sampler Dependent Software (driver for K5/VSSP or K5/VSSP32 sampler must be installed first)
signalcheck check reference and 1PPS signals supplied to a sampler
timesettk set time of a sampler
timeadjust adjust time of a sampler by 1 sec step
timedisp display time of a sampler
timesync synchronize sampler time to 1PPS signal
sampling triger sampling start and acquire data
sampling2 as same as "sampling" but higher functional capability
autoobs perform automatic observation using a sampler
monit monitor input signal level of a sampler with sampler time
monit2 monitor occurence of error of a sampler for initial checking
setdcoffset set DC offset of a K5/VSSP32 sampler
pctimeset set host PC time using sampler time
timesetpc set sampler time using host PC time (for checking)
timecheck check false operation in time reading from a sampler (for initial checking)

Sampler Independent Software
oscillo display sampled data dynamically (for K5/VSSP) (support PGPLOT only)
datachk check sampled data for K5/VSSP
speana display spectrum for K5/VSSP data file
speana2 display spectrum (higher functional capability)
speana_n display spectrum dynamically for K5/VSSP data (support PGPLOT only)
skdchk check an observation schedule
extdata extract data from a sampled data file and output as an aschii file
four2one convert data file format from 4ch mode to 1ch mode
datacut extract data for a given period from a data file
datatime_edit edit time field data of K5/VSSP and K5/VSSP32 data
adbitconv convert AD bit resolution of a sampled data file
one2four combine 4 1-ch data files to a 4-ch data file
data_half half the samplig frequency by thinning sampled data
data_double double the sampling frequency by repeat a sample twice
k5v32tok5 convert K5/VSSP32 format data to K5/VSSP format
k5tok5v32 convert K5/VSSP format data to K5/VSSP32 format
data_recov recover K5/VSSP and K5/VSSP32 data header
vssplogana analyze a log file of "sampling" or "autoobs" and a summary file of "datachk"
aux_recov recover an auxiliary field of K5/VSSP32 data header
pcalcheck monitor PCAL phase and amplitude in a K5/VSSP or K5/VSSP32 data file (recommended graphics is PGPLOT)
pulsar display the profile of pulsar by carrying out an ensemble average synchronize with a pulsar period (for K5/VSSP).

Shell Script to test a K5/VSSP32 sampler
vssp32test.sh test a K5/VSSP32 sampler by changing sampling frequency
vssp32test2.sh test a K5/VSSP32 sampler with fixed sampling parameters
vssp32test3.sh test a K5/VSSP32 sampler by changing sampling frequency in a given range

Format Converter between K5 and Mark5
k5tom5 convert K5VSSP or K5/VSSP32 format to Mark5 format
k5tom5b convert K5VSSP or K5/VSSP32 format to Mark5B format
m5check analyze Mark5 format data, and display header block without sync check
m5time display time label in Mark5 format data
m5btime display time label in Mark5B format data
m5tok5 convert Mark5 format to K5/VSSP format
m5btok5 convert Mark5B format to K5/VSSP format
m5vex_ana analyze a VEX schedule file
m5b_recov rescues a problematic Mark5B file including 0h UTC in a scan converted by "k5tom5b" (ver.2014-06-11 and before)

Format Converter between ADS3000+ and K5
ads2k5 convert ADS3000+(DBBC mode) format to K5/VSSP or K5/VSSP32

Format Converter between VDIF and K5 including VDIF to Mark5B
vdif2k5 convert VDIF to K5/VSSP32 format
vdifcheck check VDIF file
speana_vdif display spectrum for VDIF format data
k5tovdif convert K5 to VDIF format
vdiftom5b convert VDIF to Mark5B format

Installation of K5/VSSP Observation Software

How to Install

1. download ipvlbi_obs20180927.tar.gz (Ver.2018-09-27) to an adequate directory.
2. decompress an archive file.
   tar xvzf ipvlbi_obsXXXXXXXX.tar.gz

3. change working directory.
   cd ipvlbiXXXXXXXX
4. Note: "how to install" is drastically changed after Ver.2016-10-04 and later!!
please refer install_obs_e.20160721.html for Ver.2016-08-08 and former.

execute as follows.
[for VSSP32]

[for VSSP64]
   make S=VSSP64

If you want to use GNUPLOT for graphics instead of PGPLOT,
   make G=GNUPLOT
(Note 2018/09/27 : Recent version doesn't maintain grpahics using GNUPLOT. Therefore if the graphics display fails, use PGPLOT.)

If you want to install without the use of sampler hardware,
   make S=NONE

When recompile,
   make clean
then "make" again.

5. set up your environment.

In case that installed directory is, e.g., $HOME/K5/ipvlbiXXXXXXXX
make symbolic link as follows.
   ln -s $HOME/K5/ipvlbiXXXXXXXX $HOME/ipvlbi

if link has been already existed, issue command with "f" option as follows.
   ln -sf $HOME/K5/ipvlbiXXXXXXXX $HOME/ipvlbi

then add following description in your resource file (e.g., .bashrc).
   export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ipvlbi/bin (for .bashrc)
   setenv PATH $PATH:$HOME/ipvlbi/bin (for .cshrc)

You can execute all K5 programs by merely re-link a symbolic link when new version is installed.

Archives with version after 2010-02-08 includes man page files. Therefore you can use K5 software man page by adding following description in your resource file (e.g., .bashrc).
   export MANPATH=$HOME/ipvlbi/man:$MANPATH (for .bashrc)
   setenv MANPATH $HOME/ipvlbi/man:$MANPATH (for .cshrc)

e.g., you can issue "man autoobs" to know how to execute it. "man k5util" tells about all K5 programs with brief instructions.

Note: Driver software and PGPLOT or GNUPLOT must be installed in advance!

Installation of Format Conversion Software

1. download ipvlbi_m5k20180927.tar.gz (Ver.2018-09-27) to an adequate directory.
2. decompress an archive file.

   tar xvzf ipvlbi_m5kXXXXXXXX.tar.gz

3. change working directory.

   cd ipvlbiXXXXXXXX

then execute

   make T=M5K

1. download ipvlbi_vdif20180927.tar.gz (Ver.2018-09-27) to an adequate directory.
2. decompress an archive file.

   tar xvzf ipvlbi_vdifXXXXXXXX.tar.gz

3. change working directory.

   cd ipvlbiXXXXXXXX

then execute

   make T=VDIF



latest and previous archives

Update History (since March 30, 2007)

updated on May 29, 2020