"TOPPAN Digital, NICT, and ISARA develop IC card system capable of hybrid compatibility of quantum-resistant cryptography and current cryptography" was introduced in various media.
Featured Media
Toyo Keizai Online: "TOPPAN Digital, NICT, and ISARA develop IC card system capable of hybrid
compatibility of quantum-resistant cryptography and current cryptography"
Nikkei: "TOPPAN Digital, NICT, and ISARA develop IC card system capable of hybrid compatibility with
quantum-resistant cryptography and current cryptography [TOPPAN Holdings]"
Japan NEWS:"TOPPAN Holdings Co., Ltd. TOPPAN Digital/NICT/ISARA develops an IC card system
capable of hybrid support of quantum-resistant computer encryption and current encryption"
Mainichi Shimbun:"TOPPAN Digital, NICT, and ISARA develop IC card system capable of hybrid
compatibility of quantum-resistant cryptography and current cryptography"
Biglobe News:"TOPPAN Digital, NICT, and ISARA develop IC card system capable of hybrid
compatibility of quantum-resistant cryptography and current cryptography"
EnterpriseZine:"NICT and other parties develop IC card system compatible with both
quantum-resistant and current encryption"
Payment Navi - Card payment:"Development of quantum-resistant cryptography and IC card system
compatible with current technology (TOPPAN Digital/NICT/ISARA)"
WhatTheyThink:"TOPPAN Digital, NICT, and ISARA Develop Smart Card System Employing Hybrid
Methodology to Support Post-Quantum Cryptography and Current Public-key Cryptography"
The Quantum Daily:"TOPPAN Digital, NICT And ISARA Develop Smart Card System to Support
Post-Quantum Cryptography and Current Public-key Cryptography"