Personnel recruitment

― Toward the forefront of the quantum cryptography field,
where technological and business progress is rapid and dynamic ―

Realization of open innovation ranging from basic research to applied research and from technology demonstration to social implementation

Quantum ICT Collaboration Center holds meetings on a variety of topics, from basic research to applied research, from technology demonstration to social implementation.
Participants are not only researchers from our center, but also researchers from industry, academia, government, research departments, business departments, intellectual property and standardization departments, and administrative departments.
You can find many inspirations and business seeds from the information and ideas brought by people from diverse backgrounds.


Technology standardization activities in collaboration with colleagues around the world

One of the initiatives that will be focused on in the future is the standardization of quantum cryptography. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, everything is online, and we are meeting with colleagues from around the world almost every week to promote the standardization and creation of standards for the industrialization of quantum security under international collaboration.


Providing growth opportunities for young researchers

In Quantum ICT Collaboration Center that is working in the field of quantum cryptography, where technology and business are rapidly advancing, you can spend your days in research full of opportunities to grow in the various abilities required of you as a researcher.

  • POINT01
    Improving the ability to think through the essence of technology
  • POINT02
    Improving the ability to think logically and disseminate information
  • POINT03
    Improving creative theme-setting and project planning skills
  • POINT04
    Improving international bargaining power and leadership

Recruitment of participating members

Quantum ICT Collaboration Center is working to create an open collaborative creation environment in order to provide opportunities to use the latest information and results to as many people as possible through various activities ranging from research and development to social implementation, standardization, and human resources development.
We are also looking for supporters and colleagues from various fields to work together in a collaborative creation environment.