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研究者紹介 成果 研究経歴
HOME 研究者 カラスコ-カサド アルベルト

カラスコ-カサド アルベルト

Alberto Carrasco-Casado, PhD





Space laser communications Quantum communications CubeSats


Selected publications

2024年 Journal paper (MDPI Photonics):
Miniaturized Multi-Platform Free-Space Laser-Communication Terminals for Beyond-5G Networks and Space Applications
2023年 Conference paper + talk (IEEE ICSOS):
B5G low-SWaP multi-platform laser-communication terminals
2022年 Journal paper (MDPI Electronics):
Development and Space-Qualification of a Miniaturized CubeSat’s 2-W EDFA for Space Laser Communications
2022年 Journal paper (Acta Astronautica):
Development of a miniaturized laser-communication terminal for small satellites
2022年 Journal paper (Frontiers in Physics):
Prototype Development and Validation of a Beam-Divergence Control System for Free-Space Laser Communications
2022年 Conference paper + talk (IEEE ICSOS, Japan):
NICT's versatile miniaturized lasercom terminals for moving platforms
2020年 Book (“Handbook of Optical Networks”, Springer publisher):
Free space optical networks for terrestrial, high-altitude, and space applications
2019年 Conference paper + talk (IEEE ICSOS, USA):
Intersatellite link between CubeSOTA (LEO CubeSat) and ETS9-HICALI (GEO satellite)
2018年 Conference paper + talk (SPIE Defense, USA):
QKD from a microsatellite: The SOTA experience
2017年 Conference paper + talk (IEEE ICSOS, Japan):
Optical Communication on SmallSats - Enabling the Next Era in Space Science
2017年 Journal paper (Nature Photonics):
Satellite-to-ground quantum-limited communication using a 50-kg-class micro-satellite
2017年 Journal paper (Acta Astronautica):
LEO-to-Ground Optical Communications using SOTA (Small Optical TrAnsponder) –Payload Verification Results and Experiments on Space Quantum Communications–
2016年 Journal paper (Optics Express):
LEO-to-ground polarization measurements aiming for space QKD using Small Optical TrAnsponder (SOTA)
2016年 Book chapter (“Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology”, Springer publisher):
Free-space quantum key distribution
2016年 Journal paper (Microwave and Optical Technology Letters):
Chromatic effects in beam wander correction for free-space quantum communications
2015年 Journal paper (IEEE Photonics Journal):
CTA telescopes as deep-space lasercom ground receivers
2015年 Conference paper + talk (IEEE ICSOS, USA):
Ground-based Gamma-ray Telescopes as Ground Stations in Deep-Space Lasercom
2014年 Journal paper (SPIE Optical Engineering):
Correction of beam wander for a free-space quantum key distribution system operating in urban environment
2013年 Journal paper (Applied Optics):
Feasibility of Utilizing the CTA Gamma-Ray Telescopes as Free-Space Optical Communication Ground Stations
2012年 Journal paper (Microwave and Optical Technology Letters):
In-axis reception by polarization discrimination in a modulating-retroreflector-based free-space optical communication link
2011年 Conference paper + talk (SPIE Security+Defence, Czech Republic):
Design and Early Development of a UAV Terminal and a Ground Station for Laser Communications
2011年 Conference paper + talk (IEEE ICSOS, USA):
Low-Impact Air-to-Ground Free-Space Optical Communication System Design and First Results


2005年 Bachelor’s Degree in Telecom. Engineering (Major: Telecommunication Systems). Málaga University. 2008年 Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering. Alcalá University, Madrid. 2009年 Master’s Degree in Space Science and Technology. Alcalá University, Madrid. 2010年 Master’s Degree in Advanced Electronic Systems (1/3 of the program). Carlos III University, Madrid. 2015年 PhD in Electric, Electronic and Automatic Engineering (w/Quality Assurance). Carlos III University, Madrid.







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